Building Design
The orientation of a building in a hazardous area should obey these criteria:
1) Max. possible distance from hazard
2) Prevailing wind diretion away from building
3) Building at an 90° angle to possible event
4) Location of doors opposite possible event
5) Location of air intakes and outlets not directly facing threat
Doors must be chosen to counter the specific threats. They may havetowithstand either blast, fire or be gastight or provide protection against a combination of these threats.
The design criteria have to be the same as those for the wall they will fit. Depending on the type of building and function of the door, they may be operated from once a month to many times per day.
Air inlet and Outlet Protection
Airvents have to be open during normal operation, so air can flow undisturbed inane out for breathing or cooling. They must be closed only during the period of severe over or underpressure associated with an explosion.
1) Blast valves
2) Fire dampers
3) Gastight dampers
4) Air conditioning unit / fan
5) Supply air
6) Exhaust air
Blast Valves
They protect the inside of buildings from the embeds of pressure waves. Such waves, when penetrating the building can harm or kill people, and damage or destroy plant and equipment.
The valves close automatically when a pressure from an explosion hits the closing elements. After the overpressure ceases, the valves open again.
HEGA Filter
Filtration must be provided to prevent contamination of the environment by gases or to clean supply air for sensitive rooms from outside air contaminated with traces of gases.
High Efficiency Gas Adsorption Filter.
Gastight Dampers
Gastight dampers effectively seal openings from the passage of air and gases. They can be agitated manually or by electric or pneumatic motors.
Fire Dampers
Fire dampers protect air openings from the penetration of flames and heat. They can be ablated by heat sensors or built-in temperature sensitive ele ments. When the temperature exceeds a specific value, they close automatically. After the are has been extinguished, they must be reopened manually.